Tag: Property development

Syed Smart Deal - Property development
Breaking Down Building Plan Approval Fees in Tamil Nadu: A Detailed Analysis

Breaking Down Building Plan Approval Fees in Tamil Nadu: A Detailed Analysis

Embarking on a construction project in Tamil Nadu involves navigating through a series of regulatory processes, and one crucial aspect is obtaining building plan approval. The approval process is not only a legal requirement but also entails certain fees that need to be understood thoroughly. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies […]

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Navigating Land Development: A Guide to Understanding DTCP Regulations

Land development is a complex and highly regulated process that involves transforming raw land into valuable real estate assets. In many countries, including India, the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP) plays a pivotal role in governing land development activities. Understanding DTCP regulations is crucial for developers, investors, and anyone involved in the real […]

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How to Download Patta Online in Tamil Nadu

Patta, also known as “Chitta” or “Adangal,” is a crucial land revenue record in the state of Tamil Nadu. It provides details about land ownership, tax liability, and other important information. Traditionally, obtaining a Patta involved a complex and time-consuming process. However, with the advancement of technology, the Government of Tamil Nadu has introduced an […]

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DTCP vs CMDA: Which Approval Do You Need in Tamil Nadu?

If you are planning to buy a property in Tamil Nadu or to construct a building, it is essential to have the necessary approvals. The two primary approvals you need are DTCP and CMDA. But what are these approvals, and which one do you need for your project? In this article, we will discuss everything […]

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