How To Apply For Patta Transfer

Syed Smart Deal - Tips - How To Apply For Patta Transfer
How to Apply for Patta transfer

Patta transfer is an important procedure that a TamilNadu resident should apply when there’s a change of ownership of the land. It involves accomplishing a legal document to honor the new owner. There are three instances that such a transfer will follow.

  • When the owner of the land passed away without leaving a will or testament, his or her legal heirs can inherit it and transfer it under their names.
  • When the owner of the land passed away with a will, his or her inheritor can transfer it in their name with the consent of the considered immediate heirs.
  • When the owner sold the land, the buyer can transfer the title in his or her name.

How to Apply for Patta transfer

The new owner should avail the Patta transfer apply online to gain the benefits in using the process. That being so, your next question will be how to go about the transfer. Hence, we list down the documents that you need to submit to obtain it.

  • Duly signed application of the transfer form
  • Copy of the sale deed with original documents to verify the authenticity
  • Receipt of property tax, or proof of possession like the electricity bill
  • Certificate of Encumbrance

You also need to provide the following list.

  • Tax details
  • Survey number
  • Subdivision
  • Patta Number
  • Name of the owner
  • Name of the district, taluk, and village
  • Area of the land

Moreover, determining the type of land, whether it’s a wetland or dryland, should also be submitted along with the rest of the mentioned documents above. So, how to register a Patta transfer request for your land online? We enumerate the steps below to help you further.

Step 1: Visit the eservices website of the TamilNadu state government. You can choose the language that you like.

Step 2: Select the ‘View Patta & FMB/Chitta/TSLR Extract’ option from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Then, select the location where your land sits.

Step 4: You will then be directed to fill out all the required details related to the land you want to apply. The buyer must also apply to the respective Taluka office to push through with the transfer of Patta to his or her name after the purchase.

Joint Patta Transfer

Transfer of the Patta now comes with a simplified process, and that is due to the effort of the TamilNadu government. Nonetheless, you might still have some questions about joint Patta transfer or how to go through with the joint Patta to individual Patta transfer.

Joint Patta, as its name suggests, is a legal document provided to owners of agricultural lands or other pieces of lands that haven’t been separated or can’t be separated, such as ancestral properties owned by a couple or more several legal heirs.

Joint Patta Transfer to Individual-Patta

Along with these conversations are residents coming out and expressing their concerns through seeking legal advice on how to undergo a joint patta transfer. This legal procedure follows a change of land ownership, especially buyers of lands with a kootu (joint) patta. You need to have clear and certified documents to request a transfer from joint patta to individual patta.

You can go directly to the Tahsildar office for the transfer request. You can also visit the local Village Administrator Officer (VAO) or Taluk office to submit your request. Nevertheless, you can also begin your request online with the help of licensed experts. For this reason, we thought of sharing with you the things you need to recognize to proceed with the process through our comprehensive yet simple guide.

Simplified Patta Transfer

Now, the buyers will have all the convenience to process a transfer of the Patta. With the aim to simplify the series of steps following the procedure, online Patta transfer in Chennai came about. The guidelines were simplified in detailed instructions in the G.O.Ms.No.210 on July 8, 2011.

In light of the mentioned order, the government authorizes the administrative officers in the village to receive the Patta Transfer application from the petitioners, and in return, they will give receipts of acceptance to the latter.

Therefore, petitioners don’t need to visit the Taluk office except in cases where there’s no involvement of subdivisions. In doing so, the respective authorities will require to verify the original documents, and visits are only on every second Fridays of the month.

However, when there’s a subdivision involved, the petitioner will have to receive the order of the Patta Transfer on the fourth Friday after they submitted everything, and in accordance with the Tahsildar order, the applicant requires to pay a subdivision fee on the day of receipt. The duration of the entire process will take up to 30 days.

Subdivision’s Parallel Register

The official in charge for a subdivision’s parallel transfer registration is the Land Record Draftsman or the LRD, which follows by the transfer of the registration to the field surveyors. The latter will then examine it, and afterward, report it. With the simplified method, the public can keep track of the process and the status of his or her application online.

Monitoring Receipts

The revenue inspector, alongside the zonal deputy Tahsildar, will make a visit to the respective villages every Monday and Tuesday following an objective in monitoring receipts. On the other hand, the commissioner of the land administration will also evaluate the progress every fourteen days or two weeks.

It is always the Patta day in the Taluk office. The field surveyors and the Village Administrative Officers (VAOs) will check with the authorities in the Taluk office every Friday to finish the process.

Gearing up to simplifying the Patta transfer, online Patta change emerges. This advancement helps in making things more accessible and keeping work much easier than before.

Sub Division Patta transfer

Patta transfer involving subdivisions has also come with simple guidelines, and at the same time, easy access to the status of the application. This type of transfer requires a visit to the Taluk or Tahsildar office in the area, and a corresponding fee, which we mentioned earlier.

Sub Division Patta transfer

Here is a step by step procedure to process a subdivision Patta transfer.

Step 1: Visit the Tahsildar or the Taluk office in your area

Step 2: Use a plain paper for your application. Then, clearly identify the mode of acquiring the land with a draft proposal and attach a court-fee stamp on the form.

Step 3: The filled-out application form should be duly signed by the involved individuals or the co-tenants.

Step 4: Lastly, submit your application with all the pertinent documents, as stipulated above.

After the submission of the application, the petitioner will receive the Patta transfer order on the fourth of Friday to begin the process, which will finish in a month’s timeframe.

You should also bring with you the original copy of the documents as the authorized officials in the office will verify the correctness or authenticity of the copy documents you submitted. You may visit the office every second Friday of each month.

After this, the LRD handles the registration, followed by the field surveyors who will check and report the land that requires a transfer. Then, the respective officials entail to follow through the request will pay a visit to your subdivision to proceed with the transfer.

You may also follow the steps below in your Patta Transfer.

Step 1: First, visit the village office in your area and make sure that you have all the appropriate documents needed for the procedure like your application form in a white paper on hand.

Step 2: You should also bring copies of your land documents and the latest certificate of encumbrance with the original copies available for verification.

Step 3: Then, present your Patta from the online Patta transfer scheme.

After doing that, the village official will pass your application to a revenue inspector, who will then refer it to Taluk office. The surveyor will visit the land to examine after the payment of the mandatory fee to the treasury, which will then carry out the process for the application of the subdivision Patta transfer.

Other ways to go about with the process is to apply through the link provided above or electronic service centers, namely e-Service centers or Common Service Centers (CSC), which you can also find in the Tehsil or municipality office in your respective area.


Applying for a Patta transfer is necessary to ensure that you will get to have a legally clear document stating that you own the land. Thus, giving you the full right to the land and leaving you without any problem in the future if you have other plans to do with the land.

Online Patta Transfer

Most importantly, all residents of TamilNadu who inherited land through a will or by virtue of legitimacy and also from purchase should get the Patta transfer to make sure that the land they owned is in their names. Registering a Patta is way more beneficial and important than you might think. Here are the benefits that you will get when you apply for a Patta transfer.

  • You can get corresponding compensations when the government ascertains the land you owned.
  • You can use its validity as a legal document in the court of law.
  • You can also make use of it whenever you want to have a legal Joint Patta ownership with anyone, may it be a business partner or a family member.

With the simplified online Patta change method, residents or petitioners now have the ease from the daunting process of the entire Patta transfer application. For applicants with no subdivisions involved, you can simply do the entire procedure online. Otherwise, you must visit the Taluk office. Nevertheless, you may also reach out to one of our professional experts who have years of experience in handling these cases effectively.

(1) Comment

  • Innocent A August 29, 2022 @ 3:48 pm

    For patta

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