Patta for Poramboke Land: A Comprehensive Guide

Syed Smart Deal - Property Law - Patta for Poramboke Land: A Comprehensive Guide

Poramboke land is a type of government land that cannot be used for private purposes, including agriculture or housing. Patta is a legal document that confers ownership of a property. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about obtaining a patta for poramboke land in India.

Table of Contents

  1. What is Poramboke Land?
  2. Types of Poramboke Land
  3. Why Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land?
  4. Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land
  5. Steps to Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land
  6. Documents Required for Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land
  7. Fees Involved in Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land
  8. Time Required to Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land
  9. Importance of Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land
  10. Frequently Asked Questions
    • What is the validity period of a patta?
    • Can poramboke land be converted into a residential or commercial property?
    • How can I check the status of my patta application?
    • Is it necessary to hire a lawyer for obtaining a patta for poramboke land?
    • What happens if my patta application is rejected?

What is Poramboke Land?

Poramboke land is a type of government land that cannot be used for private purposes, including agriculture or housing. The term “poramboke” is derived from the Tamil word “poramboku,” which means waste or useless. Poramboke land can be used for public purposes, such as roads, canals, and water bodies.

Types of Poramboke Land

There are several types of poramboke land, including:

  • Water bodies
  • Coastal regulation zones
  • Riverbanks
  • Canals
  • Tanks
  • Village common lands
  • Grazing lands
  • Roadside areas

Why Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land?

Obtaining a patta for poramboke land confers ownership of the land to the applicant. This is important because it allows the owner to use the land for public purposes, such as constructing a community hall, a school, or a hospital. A patta also serves as a valuable legal document that can be used for obtaining loans, selling the property, and resolving any disputes that may arise in the future.

Eligibility Criteria for Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land

The eligibility criteria for obtaining patta for poramboke land vary depending on the state or union territory in which the land is located. Generally, the following criteria must be met:

  • The applicant must be a citizen of India.
  • The applicant must be a resident of the state or union territory in which the land is located.
  • The applicant must have occupied the land for a specific period, usually ranging from 10 to 30 years.

Steps to Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land

The following are the steps involved in obtaining a patta for poramboke land:

  1. Visit the nearest Revenue Department office or the Taluk office.
  2. Obtain the application form for patta.
  3. Fill in the required details in the application form, including the name of the applicant, the location of the land, and the purpose for which the patta is required.
  4. Attach the required documents, including proof of identity, proof of residence, and proof of ownership.
  5. Submit the application form and the documents to the Revenue Department office or the Taluk office.
  6. Wait for the revenue authorities to verify the documents and conduct a survey of the land.
  7. Once the verification and survey are complete, the authorities will issue the patta in the name of the applicant.

Documents Required for Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land

The following documents are usually required for obtaining a patta for poramboke land:

  • Proof of identity, such as Aadhaar card, voter ID, or passport
  • Proof of residence, such as electricity bill, telephone bill, or rental agreement
  • Proof of ownership, such as sale deed, gift deed, or will
  • Copy of the land survey sketch

Fees Involved in Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land

The fees involved in obtaining a patta for poramboke land vary depending on the state or union territory in which the land is located. Generally, the fees range from Rs. 100 to Rs. 1000.

Time Required to Obtain Patta for Poramboke Land

The time required to obtain a patta for poramboke land can vary depending on the state or union territory and the efficiency of the revenue authorities. In some states, the process can take as little as one month, while in others, it may take up to six months or more.

Benefits of Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land

Obtaining a patta for poramboke land can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Legal recognition of ownership: With a patta, the owner of poramboke land is recognized as its legal owner, which can help protect their property rights.
  2. Facilitates Transfer: A patta makes it easier to transfer the property as it is a legal document that provides evidence of ownership.
  3. Access to loans and grants: Banks and financial institutions may provide loans or grants against the patta as it acts as a legal proof of ownership.
  4. Protection against encroachment: A patta provides legal protection against encroachment by others on the poramboke land.

Challenges in Obtaining Patta for Poramboke Land

There are also some challenges in obtaining a patta for poramboke land, including:

  1. Lengthy process: The process of obtaining a patta can be lengthy and time-consuming, involving several steps and verification processes.
  2. Lack of awareness: Many people are not aware of the process of obtaining a patta for poramboke land, which can make it difficult for them to get the required documents and follow the necessary steps.
  3. Bureaucratic hurdles: The process of obtaining a patta may involve dealing with bureaucratic hurdles, such as delays, corruption, and red tape.


In conclusion, obtaining a patta for poramboke land is an essential step in legalizing ownership of the land. While the process can be challenging and time-consuming, it provides legal recognition and protection against encroachment. It is important to follow the necessary steps and provide the required documents to obtain a patta successfully.

  1. Can I obtain a patta for poramboke land in any state in India?

Yes, the process of obtaining a patta for poramboke land is applicable in all states and union territories in India.

     2. Can I transfer poramboke land without a patta?

No, a patta is a legal document that provides evidence of ownership and is required to transfer poramboke land.

    3. What is the validity of a patta?

The validity of a patta varies depending on the state or union territory in which it is issued.

    4. Can I get a loan against a patta?

Yes, banks and financial institutions may provide loans or grants against a patta as it acts as legal proof of ownership.

    5. Can I sell poramboke land without a patta?

No, a patta is required to sell poramboke land as it provides evidence of ownership.

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